Want 95% off my private online group?

Right now my $500 Monthly Online Private Group is only $24.99

Why? I don’t know, I’m feeling wonderfully crazy at the moment and can come back and change the price on this page when it doesn’t feel good anymore!

I have paid for a LOT of masterminds and online groups, from $500 per month to $6,000 per month. 

And the Private Group I’m building right now is what I wanted all along from the other groups I was in. 

I got a message from a mastermind member saying ‘you should be charging a LOT more for this.’ 

I said, ‘I know! But this is what I want to do right now.’

What’s in the Private Group?

Imagine this…you can ask me any question at all, at any time. 

I make you a training on whatever you asked for and I post it in the group and in my online course.

“I thought for sure you were going to upsell me instead of just answer my question” said a girl in my mastermind when she asked me for details on how to start her business. 

Nope, no upsell. 

I made her a full video with a strategy list of exactly how I would do it.

And as someone who has bootstrapped a business from $140 to over a million per year without capital, I have some answers LOL.

I also had an AMAZING time answering a dating question. 

This private group is a way for me to speak openly and honestly about mindset, business and relationships.

It’s a way to channel truth and let go of rules that don’t serve us.

It’s a place of support and inspiration.

And my member’s questions are helping me make all my online courses.

That’s one of the reasons the founder’s price is so dirt cheap right now. I’m using the material to make courses that will sell for thousands in the future.

I also LOVE over delivering. 

Right now I am including ALL the online courses I have made, including my $997 ‘Foodie, Fit in Your Jean’s’ course, my ‘Business Bootstrapping’ course, and my upcoming dating course.

I’m ridiculously proud of what I’m building. 

Because in the group we are free and safe.

No one is trying to sell you anything.

No one is bullsh*tting you about things you ‘have’ to do to be successful.

I have a code and purpose that I wrote up for the mastermind:


To empower entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs to sift through the made up rules and make their own rules so they can build the business and life of their dreams.

Codes I live by:

🦏 Always, truth, transparency and vulnerability

🦏 Kindness, always

🦏 I will only bring empowering information (nothing that would keep anyone in a trap of ‘Julie said’ or ‘Julie’s way’)

🦏 I will not whip anyone into a frenzy of belief that they can’t keep up. I.E. if they’re going to quit their jobs and start a biz, it needs to be a safe process that supports them financially and emotionally.

🦏 Better thoughts = better feelings = better beliefs = better identity = better actions = better results

My goal for this mastermind is for you to have:

More money

More freedom

Better relationships

A healthy body you love

A better mindset

Less stress

Less worry

Mind-blowing, life changing epiphanies

A community you LOVE

I have spent 100’s of thousands of dollars on masterminds, courses, seminars and trainings.

I learned about how to build my business and make more money while keeping my heart and soul intact.

I learned about nutrition and how to finally lose weight as a woman with adrenal and cortisol issues….while keeping my foodie fun

I have amazing, fulfilling relationships that I love.

I learned about how to shift my mindset and manifest my reality.

And I’ve been in a super weird place because I want to teach about ALL of it. 

I don’t want to pick one thing. 

But the business coaches tell you to pick one thing.

But I don’t have to listen to the business coaches on this, because I don’t NEED to do this. 

I make money from my gyms, from my online coaching, and from my corporate wellness programs and events.

So for this mastermind, I just get to be me, having a blast, sharing whatever is on my heart and answering questions with guidance from the universe.

However, I will not share these things publicly. 

I want to share privately with entrepreneurs (and ‘maybe one day’ entrepreneurs) who are invested in their own growth mentally and emotionally.

I want to build a safe community for me to give the tools I’ve paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn to others so they can have hope it’s possible for them to.

And the big secret is…there are millions of ways to do everything you want to do.

You just need to be shown it’s possible and given just a little bit of guidance to help you tap into your power.

That’s my goal.

To show you it’s possible.

And to give you a safe space, filled with other entrepreneurs who are just like you, to make your dreams come true.

Really…it’s only $24.99? No contracts, no obligations? Refund no questions asked?

Business or Life Coaching with me used to be $4,000 for 9 weeks.

But this is different.

This is me living my best life, getting to share from the heart and make an impact in a new way. 

I will be going live to answer questions often.

I will be sharing new things I’ve learned in business, love, health and manifesting almost daily.

I will be setting up opportunities for entrepreneurs to process together things they are working through.

The masterminds I have been in have ranged from $500 per month to $3,000 per month.

But again…this is different.

Everything I do for this mastermind will be because I feel it on my heart to do it. 

When I share in the group, it’s because I had a ‘download’ that I just have to share.

There will be no structure to it, except I WILL be taking the info I teach and putting it into searchable courses so you can find anything you’re looking for later.

So. As far as the price, I’m going to charge an insanely cheap price for my founding members.

And after the first few entrepreneurs join, I will raise the price for new-comers to better reflect the incredible amount of value I plan on bringing. 

Founding members get to be a part of the courses I’m making. 

Which means more accountability and support. 

So for now, but never again, I’m going to offer up my mastermind for $24.99 per month.

Because I want to. And I want you in it. If your heart feels led that way.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What is the time commitment? I have a lot of things going on right now and I don’t want to overextend myself.

A: No real time commitment required, it is 100% a place to play and dream.

I will be sharing the real, inside peaks into running a million dollar + a year business and my manifesting/mindset journey that I would not currently dare to share publicly.

As questions and experiences come up for our community, I will share on those as well.

As I share I will be putting everything in organized little chunks on my course site so you can pull out what you need when you need it.

This is my resource page where I share my favorite things!

The Coffee Alternative That Has Changed My Life

If you’re in Vegas, come workout with me!

Introducing the Rhino Family of Gyms…

Rhino Gym Southeast

Personal Training

Group Training


Rhino Gym Northwest

Personal Training

Group Training


Rhino Ninja Gym

Kids Obstacle Courses

Adult Obstacle Coures

1-on-1 Sessions